A lifetime of learning and service to the community
David Smith’s experience and the skills he has developed makes him the very best choice to serve as Collin County Judge at this critical time. David brings not only the experience from three prior terms on City Council and lobbying in the Texas State Legislature, he also brings a rich background in civic engagement both before and after that service. While David is a Texas native and has spent almost all of his adult years in Richardson then Plano (39 total, including 31 in Plano), David has also had the benefit of living a number of years in other cities in the United States and abroad.
Interest in community service began in childhood.
David grew up in Groves, Texas. His father was Mayor of the city. His mother was the editor of the local newspaper, the Groves Graphic.
Broader perspective in high school and college years
While David was a high school sophomore, he moved with his family to England then Wales. In his high school senior year, he lived in the Watford YMCA with college students from all over the old British Empire. David later attended Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee; while the United Kingdom was home during summers and winter breaks.
Local government interest grew in college
While earning an Engineering degree from Vanderbilt, Political Science was a favorite elective. One of David’s professors was a municipal government guru who designed the Nashville-Davidson County Metro government that survives today as a model for local government efficiency.
Service to country and civil engineering experience in the United States Air Force
David was a Site Development Specialist in Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard civil engineering units in Texas.
Development of leadership skills in the corporate world
David was an employee of Texas Instruments in Houston then Dallas. He later joined Electronic Data Systems (EDS) in Dallas then Michigan before returning to their then new corporate headquarters in Plano. David was a middle manager at EDS. He was a key contributor in managing both engineering and business development departments during its largest growth years. His recognized leadership skills led to an assignment as a guest instructor in their leadership development program.
Development of leadership skills as a neighborhood leader
David was treasurer then president of the Shadow Lake Homeowners Association, a mandatory association in Richardson. After moving to Plano, David was an officer of the Copper Creek Homeowners Association then the Meadows Neighborhood Association, both voluntary groups.
Civic engagement as a neighborhood leader
Before and after his past service as a City Council Member, David engaged city councils and the state legislature on neighborhood issues. As a Plano Homeowners Council officer, he has also worked on city-wide issues of interest to homeowners. As a lobbyist for Texas Neighborhoods Together, David engaged with the Texas state legislature on state-wide issues of interest to neighborhood leaders. David helped craft much of the current state law regulating property owner associations. David also worked on county land use issues, becoming intimately familiar with the responsibilities and limitations of counties in Texas.
Civic engagement as a City Council Member
In David’s three terms on the Plano City Council, he gained a reputation for listening to concerns, perspectives and ideas from any and all. In particular, he brought the neighborhood perspective to a council then dominated by developers. He was also a strong fiscal conservative, working to reduce the tax rate and reduce property taxes for many Plano homeowners.
Subsequent city engagement following Council service
David stayed involved after reaching a City Council term limit. In addition to engagement as a Plano Homeowners Council officer, David has served on a number of city committees. These recently include Love Where You Live, the Housing Plan Advisory Committee and the 2020 Census Complete Count Committee, co-chairing its Community Outreach Subcommittee. David has also been an active participant as group representative or individual in other city initiatives, such as the recent Oak Point study.
Other civic engagement
David is a Plano Chamber of Commerce Member and a past Advisory Director. Also, election administration has been a passion. David has frequently served as a polling place Election Judge and has been an Administrator for six primary election cycles. David is a current member of the League of Women Voters of Collin County and a current member of the Collin County League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC). David has also been engaged in county issues. This has included service on an interfaith task force on health care issues and a 2010 County Judge candidacy, earning the recommendation of the Dallas Morning News over an incumbent. In addition, David has been active with environmental, conservation and sustainability issues, including service as the North Texas Representative for Earth Share of Texas during many of his post-corporate years.
Other community engagement
As a father of two children who grew up in Plano as well as a foster parent, David was involved in a myriad of activities. One passion was the Boy Scouts. David was a Scout as a child and more recently served as an adult leader, including service as the liaison between his church and a Plano-based Boy Scout troop.
Active faith-based foundation
David is an active member of the United Methodist Church, which embraces theological diversity within and outside its ranks, recognizing the fundamental principles common to most all faith communities as well as those who do not identify with a faith community. David is part of the lay leadership of the North Texas area, serving as an Annual Conference delegate. In addition, he serves in various capacities in his church, including membership on the Church Council, Missions Committee, Lay Leadership Committee and Adult Discipleship Committee. David will be a facilitator for the Journey Toward Racial Justice initiative of the North Texas Annual Conference that is rolling out this year.